Welcome to the Association for Manitoba  Archives. The AMA represents and supports archivists, archives, and those committed to the preservation of archival records in Manitoba


Image courtesy of the Sam Waller Museum

2025's Midwinter Tales from the Archives

Thursday, February 6

5:00 to 8:00 PM

Dalvanert, The Hugh John MacDonald House and Annex

61 Carlton Street

Register for the event here.

The AMA's mandate is to preserve the heritage of the people and institutions of the Province of Manitoba by improving the administration, effectiveness and efficiency of the province's archival system(s). 

The association's goals and objectives are to:

  • promote a better understanding and increased public awareness among Manitobans on the role and uses of archives;
  • provide a forum for the discussion of archival issues and the exchange of ideas on archival matters;
  • enhance the quality of service provided by archives and archivists to the communities they serve in Manitoba by promoting standards, procedures and practices in the establishment and management of archives;
  • provide assistance and educational opportunities to persons seeking to improve their knowledge of skills in the development, management or operation of archives; and
  • advise, coordinate, and plan for the allocation of resources, grants, and services for Manitoba's archival system.

History of the Association for Manitoba Archives (AMA)

The Association for Manitoba Archives was created in 1992 to merge the major programs and services of its predecessor organizations, the Association of Manitoba Archivists (founded in 1980) and the Manitoba Council of Archives. This merger occurred shortly after the Association of Manitoba Archivists' and Manitoba Council of Archives' joint publication of  Plan 2000: The Manitoba Archival Community in the 1990s in 1991. This publication came about as a result of the 1988 Manitoba Archival Needs Assessment Study, The Past Is Present.

In 1992, the AMA's mandate was to preserve the documentary legacy of the people and institutions of the Province of Manitoba by improving the administration, effectiveness and efficiency of the Province's archival system by promoting high standards, procedures and practices in the establishment and maintenance of archives, allocating resources, grants and services in order to fulfill the foregoing, and educating the public about the role and use of archives.

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Recent News

City of Winnipeg Archives

CTV news article on proposed funding to renovate the old City of Winnipeg Archives building can be found here.

Tom Nesmith's article about the City of Winnipeg Archives in the Winnipeg Free Press can be found here.

Directory of Archives

Did you know that there are over 30 archival repositories represented in the AMA?

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