AMA Special Interest Groups

Committee Chair: Vacant


Rural and Northern Archives Manitoba (RNAM) is a special interest group of the Association for Manitoba Archives.  Founded in 2006, RNAM meets twice a year, usually in the spring and fall; meetings are hosted by RNAM members on a rotating basis.

RNAM’s goals and objectives are to:

  • provide a forum for discussion, communication, promotion and support for AMA members with a primary interest in rural and northern archives in Manitoba.
  • strive for active involvement of members through:
  • participation in the AMA’s annual general meeting
  • submission of articles with a focus on RNAM member activities and concerns to the AMA website
  • development of special projects of interest to rural and northern archives in Manitoba
  • training opportunities
  • continued communication with the AMA Board
  • plan and recommend future directions for RNAM based on present concerns or issues raised by the membership
  • encourage and support the development and operation of new rural and northern archives through communication with and inclusion of representatives of these new archives in RNAM operations
  • advocate for the value of rural and northern archives, including by promoting 
    • the types of records held by rural and northern archives
    • the communities in which rural and northern archives exist
    • the special needs of rural and northern archives

The nature of RNAM has varied since its inception. In the past, it was an informal group gathered to share information and brainstorm, as well as to learn from informational presentations. It still functions largely the same way, but is flexible enough in its operation to test other methods of meeting its goals.

Committee Chair: Vacant

The Student Member at Large advises the Board on matters of interest and concern to student members of the AMA.
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