AMA Membership

If you are working with archives or interested in the preservation of Manitoba's documentary heritage documents, electronic records, photos, maps, plans, audio-visual materials — then you share an interest with the members of the Association for Manitoba Archives (AMA).  The membership year is April 1st to March 31st of the following year, though you are free to register any time within those dates.


There are many benefits to becoming a member of the AMA.  These include:

      AMA Services

      • advisory services 
      • education and training opportunities
      • advocacy support

      Voting Rights

      • AMA membership entitles members to attend the Annual General Meeting and gives them nomination and voting rights at the AGM

      Special Interest Groups

      Professional Development and Training Grants

      • subject to availability; some restrictions apply

      Discounts on services/workshops

      • AMA members receive 10% off at Carr McLean's for purchases of $100 or more. 

      Accreditation / Re-accreditation

      *Please note: accreditation and reaccreditation policies and procedures are currently under review and being updated*

      AMA institutional memberships begin at $50 and scale up depending on an organization's budget. Memberships begin on April 1 and expire on March 31 of the following year, and are open to institutions in Manitoba who complete the accreditation process administered by the Membership/Accreditation Committee. 

      Organizations that may apply to become Institutional Members are those that:

      • are engaged in the acquisition, preservation and use of archival records
      • have an operational mandate
      • have committed resources
      • have a policy for public access

      The AMA has established basic criteria in seven key areas of archival care. Organizations must meet or exceed these minimum criteria to apply for Institutional Membership. The basic criteria are:

      • Legal authority statement of purpose
      • Designated person
      • Sustainable funding
      • Secure, designated space
      • Acquisition policy
      • Records arrangement
      • Access policy

      Accreditation checklist

      Reaccreditation checklist

      Fees are based on the annual archival budget, including salaries, of the institution. 

      Membership Renewal

      Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in Paypal.

      Registration (New Members)

      New to the AMA? Select the applicable membership level below and click next to provide further information when prompted.

      Institutional Membership

      AMA institutional memberships begin at $50 and scale up depending on an organization's budget. Memberships begin on April 1 and expire on March 31 of the following year, and are open to institutions in Manitoba who complete the accreditation process administered by the Membership/Accreditation Committee. 

      Organizations that may apply to become Institutional Members are those that:

      • are engaged in the acquisition, preservation and use of archival records
      • have an operational mandate
      • have committed resources
      • have a policy for public access

      The AMA has established basic criteria in seven key areas of archival care. Organizations must meet or exceed these minimum criteria to apply for Institutional Membership. The basic criteria are:

      • Legal authority statement of purpose
      • Designated person
      • Sustainable funding
      • Secure, designated space
      • Acquisition policy
      • Records arrangement
      • Access policy

      Accreditation checklist

      Reaccreditation checklist

      Fees are based on the annual archival budget, including salaries, of the institution. 

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