mark a 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (125th, 150th, etc.);
encourage arts and heritage activities in the local community that are intended for and accessible to the general public
Creative hubs provide Canadian creative talent with access to shared space, equipment and other resources to develop the skills needed to thrive in, and contribute to, the creative economy. These spaces bring together professionals from a range of arts or heritage sectors and creative disciplines where they can build their entrepreneurial skills, create, collaborate and innovate, and help generate new markets for Canadian creativity in all its forms. The CCSF will continue to invest in traditional arts and heritage facilities, such as museums, theatres and performing arts centres.
The CCSF annual grants and contributions budget is %54 million for the period 2018-2028
To be eligible for funding, your oganization must be:
Program seeks to provide long-term sustainable revenue for heritage organizations.
Managed by the Winnipeg Foundation in partnership with various community foundations
Program duration is April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021
Notes: Requires a minimum $2500 to deposit. Designed to amplify fundraising activities through initial partial matching funds from Government of Manitoba.
standards and practice for sound and audiovisual heritage. See paragraph 2 of the IASA constitution ( for an articulation of IASA’s purposes.
Depending on the scope and the overall duration of a research project, the applicant should arrange appropriately defined project phases. Interim reports should be sent to IASA at the end of each phase. A final report must be submitted no later than two (2) months following the end of the project.
The recipient will acknowledge IASA in all papers, presentations, and other publications that reference research supported by IASA.
The Association of Manitoba Museums (AMM) also provides a list of possible grants if you are also a Museum. Check out their website for more information,
**Thanks to Petra Lundy, Sarah Ramsden, and Marta Dabros for their work developing this resource**