A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.
Introducing our Board
Chair: Andrew Morrison
Vice-Chair: Heather Bidzinski
Finance and Grants: Katrin Nielsdottir
Secretary: Jackson Anderson
Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch
Education: Al Thorleifson
Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema and Mary Horodyski
Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont
Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski
Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller
Committee Reports
Digital Initiatives: We have assisted in the technical support for the upcoming Reconciliation Framework Discussion Meeting on June 9th. Committee members continue to assist with membership renewal and MAIN database maintenance.
Education and Advisory Services: We’re working on some exciting upcoming events! Stay tuned for updates.
Finance and Grants: Stay tuned for updates!
Indigenous Relations: We are hosting the upcoming workshop The Reconciliation Framework: Discussion Meeting. This workshop will be held on June 9th at 1:00 pm, at the Bill and Helen Norrie Library. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-reconciliation-framework-discussion-meeting-tickets-622517094387
Information and Outreach: Stayed tuned for updates!
Membership Committee: Membership was due in April, If you have yet to do so please renew your membership, see Renewing and Starting Membership online below.
Student Member-at-Large: Stay tuned for updates!
Renewing and Starting Membership online
A reminder that membership renewals were due on April 1, 2023. Please follow the instructions below to renew online. Please contact the AMA at ama1@mts.net or Digital Initiatives at webmaster@mbarchives.ca if you have any difficulties.
Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in PayPal.
Upcoming Events
The Reconciliation Framework: Discussion Meeting
Held on June 9th, at 1:00 until 4:30 pm at the Bill and Helen Norrie Library, on the former site of the Métis community of Rooster Town, this event will include a spotlight on Rooster Town history with guest speakers as well as a roundtable and guided discussion of the Reconciliation Framework. It is open to all members of the Manitoba archival community and interested individuals. People working with archives and responsible for managing archival collections are encouraged to attend.
All participants are asked to read the Reconciliation Framework in advance.
The Reconciliation Framework is available here:
Register here:
University of Winnipeg Pride Events
The University of Winnipeg Archives, Alumni Affairs, and Pride Committee are proud to present the 30th anniversary screening of the National Film Board-produced documentary OUT: Stories of Lesbian and Gay Youth.
Join us in the lobby of Eckhardt Gramatté Hall on Wednesday, May 31st at 11:30 a.m. for a light lunch and refreshments courtesy of Alumni Affairs and Diversity Catering, view the Two-Spirit Archives pop-up exhibition, and visit the Pride merch booth! After the 12:30 p.m.. screening, please stay for a panel discussion with film participants Elder Albert McLeod and Connie Merasty, moderated by Adrienne Huard.
Register here: https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/machform/view.php?id=509865
News about our Members
Health Science Centre Winnipeg Archives
HSC Winnipeg is celebrating 150 years of providing healthcare to all Manitobans. 150 years ago, the Winnipeg General Hospital was established as the first public hospital in the province. 50 years ago, Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg (HSC) was created through the amalgamation of Winnipeg General Hospital, the Manitoba Rehabilitation Hospital-D.A. Stewart Centre, and The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg. Since then, HSC has become Manitoba’s largest health-care facility, evolving into a referral, teaching, and research institution providing specialized care to adults and children from across our province.
Recognizing that challenges to accessing this specialized care include Manitoba's relatively small population spread over the vast geography of our province and historic and systemic disparities for our Indigenous peoples, a vibrant and diverse hospital workforce continue to address these challenges by embracing Telehealth and other technologies to serve remote locations; through public health and social work outreach; by implementing education and hiring programs to ensure a diverse and inclusive work force; and through developing and supporting culturally safe environments, practices, and services together with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
The hospital was and continues to be a leader in compassionate health care and innovation, with significant contributions to health-care services, education, and research in Manitoba and beyond our borders. Thursday May 4, 2023, the Esplanade Riel Bridge and WINNIPEG sign at The Forks was lit green in recognition of these anniversaries. Enjoy a photo gallery, memory wall, and brief histories of the founding institutions at https://hsc.mb.ca/about/50-150anniversary/ and watch the HSC Archives social media channels for more items of interest.
Photo of the display created by the HSC Archives and Museum on display at 700 William Ave Mall
One Great History Podcast
With Winnipeg’s sesquicentennial approaching, Sabrina Janke and Alex Judge, hosts of the One Great History podcast, have produced a 16-episode series that explores the city’s colourful history. For more information, please visit the One Great History website: https://onegreathistory.wordpress.com/one-great-150-coming-soon/
University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections Royal Tour 1939
For some royalty viewing closer to home, check out the University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections video of the royal tour of Winnipeg in 1939 by King George VI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqqC5rLRtew&ab_channel=UniversityofManitobaArchives%26SpecialCollections
Call for Volunteers
We are always looking for members to join our committees.
Volunteering with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact
News for the newsletter?
Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.