A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.
Introducing our Board
Chair: Heather Bidzinski
Finance and Grants: Katrin Nielsdottir
Secretary: Jackson Anderson ![](/resources/Pictures/AMA%20newsletter%20Hello%20my%20name%20is%20.jpg)
Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch
Education: Al Thorleifson
Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema and Mary Horodyski
Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont
Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski
Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller
Committee Reports
Digital Initiatives: We are hosting an introduction to MAIN Workshop on November 15th check below for details.
Education and Advisory Services: We’re working on some exciting upcoming events! Stay tuned for updates.
Finance and Grants: Stay tuned for updates!
Indigenous Relations: The Indigenous Relations committee welcomes new members! In particular, we are looking for one or two people to act as Chair or Co-Chair. Please email indigenousrelations@mbarchives.ca for more information or if you have any questions.
Information and Outreach: If your organization holds archival materials, and could benefit from support, please email us today at advocacy@mbarchives.ca and we can set up a time to discuss your archival needs.
Membership Committee: If you have any issues with renewing membership, please contact webmaster@mbarchives.ca
Student Member-at-Large: Stay tuned for updates!
Upcoming Events
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Events
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation is hosting events from September 25th until September 30th, including Daily Lunch & Learns with 50-minute sessions beginning at 12:30 p.m. each day.
Register here for Thursday and Friday: https://nctr.ca/education/coming-soon-truth-and-reconciliation-week-2023/trw2023-gen/
Video recordings of the sessions are posted online at https://www.youtube.com/@nationalcentrefortruthandr92/videos
Orange Shirt Day is September 30th, wear orange to recognize the legacy of the residential school system and join Wa-Say Healing Centre in a Healing Walk taking place at Oodena Circle, Forks Market at 10 a.m. A Powwow will take place in Canada Life Centre at 1 p.m. until 5:30. Both events are free to attend and open to all.
For more Orange Shirt Day events across Manitoba, please visit https://scoinc.mb.ca/2023nationaldayfortruthandreconciliation/
Space and Storage online discussion
The AMA will be hosting an online discussion October 25 about archival storage and space issues. Further details will be coming soon by email – hope you will join us!
Introduction to MAIN Workshop November 15th, at 6:30 pm
This workshop, hosted by Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch from the AMA Digital Initiatives Committee, will be a basic introduction to using the Manitoba Archival Information Network (MAIN) database. The workshop will go over a basic instruction on how to use and navigate MAIN, how to add authority records, and archival descriptions, including child-level descriptions.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/main-introduction-workshop-tickets-719455529857?aff=oddtdtcreator
News about our Members
University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections
UMASC, in co-sponsorship with the Survival Research Institute of Canada, held a symposium Study of Psychic Phenomena: Mediumship, Spirit Guides, Tables Levitations, Ectoplasm, and Photography to coincide with the launch of Serena Keshavjee’s The Undead Archive exhibition. Participants had the opportunity to view original photographs and documents from the Hamilton Family Fonds.
Ogniwo Polish Museum
Ogniwo Polish Museum announces the opening of its new exhibit, “They Left a Legacy,” a series of vignettes highlighting some of the individuals and groups that have shaped the Polish community in Manitoba, on October 14th, 2023. https://polishmuseum.com/whats-on/exhibit/
1417 Main Street, Winnipeg
Open Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm, or by appointment
Admission: by donation
City of Winnipeg Archives
Winnipeg in Focus database recently added records from The W.R.E.N.C.H. (Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub). The W.R.E.N.CH. is a registered charity that provides bike programing to schools, community members, and other organizations to support active transportation options. Check out the collection here: https://winnipeginfocus.winnipeg.ca/the-wrench
One Great History Podcast
With Winnipeg’s sesquicentennial approaching, Sabrina Janke and Alex Judge, hosts of the One Great History podcast, have produced a 16-episode series that explores the city’s colourful history. For more information, please visit the One Great History website:
Call for Volunteers
We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering
with the AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact
News for the newsletter?
Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.