A digital version of this newsletter can be found here.
Introducing our Board
Chair: Heather Bidzinski
Finance and Grants: Blake Mueller 
Secretary: Jackson Anderson
Digital Initiatives: Jackson Anderson and Katie Lynch
Education: Al Thorleifson
Indigenous Relations: Carmen Miedema
Information and Outreach: Corser du Pont and Erin Acland
Membership: Carmen Miedema and Heather Bidzinski
Special Initiatives: Brian Hubner and Chris Kotecki
Student Member-at-large: Blake Mueller
Renewing and Starting Membership online
A reminder that membership renewals were due on April 1, 2023. Please follow the instructions below to renew online. Please contact the AMA at ama1@mts.net or Digital Initiatives at webmaster@mbarchives.ca if you have any difficulties.
Membership renewals can be completed by logging into the website clicking on "View profile" in the top right-hand corner of the page. In your profile, click on the "Renew to [date]" button. Update your information in the fields that appear as needed and click the "Update and next" button. Review your information and click the "Pay online button" to finalize your renewal in PayPal.
Upcoming Events
Rupert’s Land Colloquium
The Rupert’s Land Colloquium will be held in Winnipeg on May 23-25, 2024. This year’s program includes a day trip to Clearwater on Friday, May 24 where there will be a panel discussion on historical border conflicts and peace treaties as well as a trip to Star Mound. For more details, see https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/rupertsland/colloquium/2024-colloquium.html Those interested in attending only the trip to Clearwater should contact Sarah Ramsden at sarah.ramsden@gmail.com.
Manitoba Day Awards
Held on Tuesday June 4th from 6:30-9:30 pm at the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus, Marshall McLuhan Hall, 65 Chancellors Circle. The evening is to award the 2023 and 2024 winners from the 22 nominations for the Association for Manitoba Archives’ Manitoba Day Award for works which include the significant use of Manitoba archives in their creation.
Light drinks and fare will be provided. Please register for the event here.
News about our Members
Direction Générale – Centre du Patrimoine
La Société historique de Saint-Boniface (SHSB) cherche une direction générale dynamique pour diriger ses opérations et guider sa croissance. Ce rôle implique la modernisation et la professionnalisation de l’organisme pour le 21e siècle, ainsi que diverses responsabilités. Si vous êtes passionné par le patrimoine et que vous souhaitez contribuer à son avenir tout en jouant un rôle central dans le développement du Centre du patrimoine, cette occasion s’adresse à vous.
Veuillez faire parvenir vos curriculums vitæ et lettre de motivation à: Janelle Robin, conseillère en recrutement à jrobin@peoplefirsthr.com
Si vous avez des questions liées à ce poste, veuillez communiquer avec Janelle Robin au 204 938-4034.
Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs
Archivists in Manitoba will be interested in the book published by the University of Manitoba Press entitled the Art of Ectoplasm: Encounters with Winnipeg’s Ghost Photographs (2023), edited by Dr. Serena Keshavjee. The book explores the archives created by the Hamilton family which reveal their coping strategies after the death of their three-year-old son Arthur during the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation receives $5M donation
The Winnipeg Foundation is donating $5 million to the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation toward building the NCTR a new home to house archival records. Read more about the project and donation here.
Brandon Sun Archives find a new home in Winnipeg
When the Brandon Sun sold its old building at 501 Rosser Ave., their new home did not have the space to house their newspaper archives dating back to the late 1800s. The Manitoba Legislative Library arranged for the newspapers to be picked up, catalogued and preserved. Read more about the Brandon Sun’s newspaper archives being relocated here.
Archives of Manitoba
On April 12th and 13th hundreds attended an open house at the Archives of Manitoba that featured an array of maps. The display of maps highlighted the development of mapping across western North America and the Arctic in the 1700s and early 1800s.
Exposition George Forest - la Société historique de Saint-Boniface
L’année 2024 signe le centième anniversaire de la naissance de Georges Forest. Pour marquer l’évènement, la Société historique de Saint-Boniface présente un portrait de l’activiste franco-manitobain qui, on l’oublie trop souvent, était aussi un Métis engagé. Georges Forest est surtout connu pour ses revendications en faveur des droits linguistiques des francophones du Manitoba, mais un tour d’horizon de ses faits d’armes montre un personnage pleinement engagé dans la revendication d’une société juste à tous les égards.
Call for Volunteers
We are always looking for members to join our committees. Volunteering with the
AMA is an excellent way to network with archivists, build skills, and shape the future of archives in Manitoba. If you are interested, please contact the Chair, or a committee chair, at one of the email addresses listed on this page https://mbarchives.ca/contact
News for the newsletter?
Does your archive have a new grant or a new hire? Or do you have a collection you want to promote? Send your news to ama1@mts.net and we will include it in an upcoming newsletter.